Tuesday, March 25, 2008

OSBC: I'd Like to Report a Case of Lawyer Bashing!

I attended the first day of the OSBC today and generally felt that the legal community was well represented... except in 2 areas:

1. Brad Smith in the afternoon keynote- his talk and Q&A was intriguing, but not what the OS crowd wanted to hear.

2. The afternoon breakout by Larry Augustin - he repeated bashed lawyers as being solely responsible for delaying deals "for months". I think it would have been just as easy to make the point of what business models are effective by leaving lawyers out of it, or using the lawyer example a minimal number of times.

Besides, we all know that when those sales guys screw up the deal negotiations, they will come crying to the lawyers looking for ways to salvage revenue... and their commission! I firmly believe that lawyers should get a cut of those commissions. Even barbacks get a small % of the bar tips.

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